Thursday, January 19, 2006 - Cheney:�Spy program�key to terror war - Jan 19, 2006

The real safeguards in the form of relevant laws were ignored. So excuse us if we aren't satisfied by empty claims after the fact that no harm was done and claims that our civil liberites were safeguarded. By definition our liberties and rights were violated and they continue to be violated by a government that believes it is outside the law and believes that anything whatsoever is more important than the rights of the people.

All international communication is potentially to Al Qaeda? Communication that is domestic could also be to Al Qaeda. does this mean that all communication should be eavesdropped on by the government? Should all Americans be assumed guilty until proven innocent?

It is time to throw these autocrats out of office and in jail where they belong. But the people are too far gone to see this or to take any such action. We are on the way down in my humble opinion.

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