Friday, December 30, 2005

Iraq's Post-Election Unrest -

So the election doubted as proof of the desirability of US invasion and occupation results in a clear win by Shiite Islamic fundamentalists. We impose democracy only to lend democratic credence to theocracy in Iraq. What a wonderful result!

Perhaps we will wake up to the fact that Western democratic ideals cannot be imposed on a people. But I doubt it. - Inquiry into leak of NSA spying program launched - Dec 30, 2005

What is this country coming to? Bush breaks the law by syping on Americans without proper authorization as mandated by FISA. Breaking these laws is a felony offense. Justice should be investigating Bush. Instead they go after those who enabled the media to tell the American peole about this outrageous behavior. This is totally inverted. What is this country coming to? It is coming to be not a nation of laws, not a nation that protects the freedom of the people, but a nation where government, especially the Executive, can do whatever it wants to the people and punish those who even inform the people as to what it is doing. Americans should rise up and tell this Beast of a government who is really boss in this supposedly free country.